Service Capabilities

Premier actively participates in the Automated Customs Environment (ACE) program for customs clearance into the United States. Member of C-TPAT and the FAST program.
Premier’s fleet is available to transport bulk liquid products within Canada as well as to & from the United States of America. We cover a wide geographical area in order to best service our customers.
Some of the products transported are: wax , oil, latex, hydro carbon solvents & also a wide variety of finished bulk products.
Premier actively participates in the Automated Customs Environment (ACE) program for customs clearance into the United States.
Certifications & Programs
We are also an active member of C-TPAT and the FAST program. All drivers are FAST certified.
Premier actively participates in the enrollment of all drivers in the T.W.I.C. program.
Application for membership in Toronto East CAER is in process as part of Responsible Care.
Total Quality Management (TQM) program is in place for systems and process administration.
Kasruth Council Certification
Kasruth Council certification to Kosher standard is available for certain dedicated food grader Kosher products.